A lightweight generator for short, unique, non-sequential and decodable Hashids from non-negative numbers.

Implementation of the Hashids algorithm.

Hashids are obfuscated unique hashes of non-negative (long) integer numbers, but in contrast to cryptographic one-way hash algorithms they are can be decoded again. The algorithm can be used to either generate a hash from a single number or bundling several numbers into one to be stored as simple short UIDs. This design allows to use them for many use-cases like

  • URL shortening
  • database ID protection
  • shard numbers storage
  • invitation-, authorization- and gift codes
  • complex- or clustered system parameters

Numbers like 347 are converted into strings like yr8, or an array of numbers like [27, 986] into 3kTMd.


The algorithm provides the following features:

In addition, the library provides features to

Please note that most features will break the interoperability with the algorithm reference implementation!

Copyright © 2017 Arctic Ice Studio

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